19 November 2013

same concept, new design

a few weeks ago, [29 october 2011] to
be exact, marked my first blog post

on this blogging website.

it's been two years of growth for me.
two years of some horrible writing.
two years of emotional writing, just to clear my head.
two years of understanding myself. and opening
up to the world.
even if no one really reads this.
cheers to building a better me through writing.
cheers to more years of writing.

whether you just stopped by today or read
my blog occasionally. thanks.

with this wonderful celebration, comes a new
look for my blog. same concept, new design.
[i liked the layout of my recent blog design,
so i kept it the same :) !]

hope you all love it as much as i do!

12 November 2013

date nights in a jar [october]

posting this one a little bit later
than i usually do. but at least i'm posting it! :]

1. fondue and romantic movies
chris has never really had fondue! can you
believe such a thing! i kind of ruined
the experience though. i made the fondue on the
stovetop and we dipped the bread in it
with our fingers. lol!
i chose this yummy recipe, click the link: Fondue Recipe
the movie we chose was safe haven on netflix.
it was a pretty good book-to-film transition
compared to all other nicholas sparks films.

2. dress up and go somewhere nice
it's not to often that we take our time and
look fabulous for no reason! it's fun to be spontaneous
like that.
so, we went to a newer restaurant
called americana.
it's a bit more upscale, but casual.
it was a great choice that's for sure!
we had roasted chicken, and steak that chris
actually ate with seasoning! *shocked* he usually
just covers it in a1 sauce!

3. shopping spree
although we spent a little bit of money, i found
this date night was fun. we haven't been to the mall
in a few weeks. it was nice to walk around
enjoying each others company.

4. her choice anything
my choice anything! finally! [i picked the 'his
choice anything' stick in early may!] lol!
i chose dinner and a movie. typical, yes. but we haven't
been to a movie in a real long time. and also haven't
done the dinner/movie combo in longer time!
we went to chef's kitchen, we both have never been
there. and watched the movie captain phillips,
chris' dad told him it was a great movie. he wasn't wrong.

two more months left until date nights in a jar 2013
will come to an end
:[ it's so sad, it was so fun!
but come 2014, and chris and i agreed to do [attend one
event a month]
in which we did in 2012, it was
going to plays, shows and concerts. it was a blast also!

06 November 2013

wonder woman tutu diy

as promised, here is part two of
[project bling #37]. how to make a wonder
woman tutu.

i understand it's fairly simple and not rocket
, but i wanted to show the products
i used. i was pretty confused
when i was looking it up, there were so
many options that others were doing.

so now, i give you, a pain-free
inexpensive costume diy
, that'll hopefully answer
some of the questions you have like i did

step 1 - star photo 1_zps5001ab6c.jpg
this is the star template for the tutu.
search in google 'star template' and choose
which size you would like to use. i chose
a smaller size because my tutu was small.

i traced the template on scratch paper [go green!]
and cut it out,
so that i could
trace it on the felt paper.

step 2 -felt paper photo 2_zps2288a5d9.jpg
i had a hard time trying to figure out what
other people were using
for the stars on the
tutu. i tried to googled it, and felt paper rarely came
but it was the only thing i could think of.

the results from google were, iron-ons
[can't iron-on because the tulle will melt],

glued paper [um, no. that's just tacky],
and regular stickers [i couldn't find white star
stickers to save my life!]. but i got lucky and
happened upon exactly what i was looking for.

i went to joann craft stores on a mission
to find regular felt, lucky me, right below
the 'regular' felt was sticky back felt
called presto felt [shown above].
it was perfect!
call me crazy but i didn't know it existed!

step 3 - trace photo 3_zpsc72c4e04.jpg
now you can use your star template that
you traced and cut out
and start tracing the
stars onto the felt. trace on the back of
the felt, the smooth side not the felt side.

step 4 - cut photo 4_zpsf35a52c1.jpg
more cutting. i cut out at least 35 stars
for my tutu to be covered how i wanted it to be.
but it was a fluffy tutu!.

step 5 - felt stars photo 5_zps9f75690a.jpg
it's kind of hard to see, but here are the
finished felt stars all cut out.

step 6 - tutu photo 6_zps5bdd40bd.jpg
here's the untouched tutu, before sticking all
the felt stars on it.

i didn't make this tutu. i purchased
it at a halloween store. i did however, want
to make my own, but due to timing issues i
could not.

step 8 - finished product photo SAM_0439_zps5fb840c0.jpg
and we are done! you can stick however
many you want on the tutu to your liking.
mine does look excessive but when worn and
fluffed it was perfect!
[see it on me in the
previous post, (project bling #37) at the bottom.