02 April 2013

date nights in a jar [march]

hello lovelies!
yep you guessed it...
date nights in a jar for march!
[*hooray*] :)

here's the picture:

1. all things vegetarian date [i know it's hard to read]
chris and i went to a newer restaurant
downtown called proof. it was a mediterranean place
but had vegetarian options. we couldn't cheat
because our stick said all things! chris ordered roasted eggplant
and i ordered falafel.
we both dislike eggplant but
everything there was soooo good! we plan to return.

2. enjoy a scenic drive
we drove up to ledges state park [about 30 minutes
north of us] and took the backroads
instead of the highway there. it was nice and relaxing.
and a pretty decent day for being winter/spring
season. we used to love to just drive around in our
early days of dating.

3. go shopping and surprise each other [with gifts]
we split up at jordan creek mall and gave
ourselves a limit of no more than $100.00, i got him
the tomb raider game on ps3 and a mint colored
button up from hollister! i heart mint!
he got me a bikini that i really wanted!

4.body painting with icing
lol! this was interesting! i looked up edible
body paint/icing online and saw that there
was some at spencer's gifts, so chris and i
went to go pick some up. :P
[i know there are some at vs but i wanted
something else]. it was a fun night!

[6 days left for lent]

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